Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Happy 10th Anniversary

As far as my employment with this company is concerned 2nd May is very significant. On this date 10 years ago (yes! that’s right, it’s TEN, and I did not add any unnecessary 0 to it) I formally joined this company. And stuck with it ever since. After completing a post-graduate degree I was very eager to practise what I learnt at university. I opted to be transferred into this company, the research arm of our big company.

Since my days at university, I have developed interest in in-depth study of engineering problems. When described with mathematical equations, with some simplifying assumptions, physical phenomena are beautifully modeled into sets of abstract symbols and numbers. Wow! I felt like I had been given a privileged taste of God’s beauty as manifested in nature. It’s God’s work as revealed to us in the science of mathematics. I thought everybody was highly involved in high-powered cutting edge research, finding new solutions and contributing knowledge to the world. I was an idealist.

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